Writing the Book You Always Wanted to Write - Gary Brumbelow S4 EP #137

Unconventional Ministry (S1 E137)

In this episode, Gary Brumbelow shares about his journey to write a novel, sharing helpful hints as well as some challenges. He discusses why many books are abandoned by readers, emphasizing the importance of crafting believable and relatable stories. Gary also reveals his passion for outdoor adventures and rural upbringing that inspired his own novel, "Someplace North, Someplace Wild," set in Canada's wilderness. The story follows a protagonist who faces suspense, love, and false murder charges who must decide whether to submit to an unjust system or prove his innocence. Gary interweaves his biblical values into this suspenseful tale.

Gary Brumbelow spent ten years in ministry in four Canadian provinces. He has a master’s degree from Wheaton College. He worked for fifteen years as the executive director of a missionary-sending organization, and for the last 12 years he held the role of a local church pastor.

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