The Resiliency Factor in Grandparenting - Dr. Ken Canfield

Unconventional Ministry (S1 E62)

In this episode, you will learn about the resiliency factor of grandparenting with my guest Dr. Ken Canfield, founder and CEO of Grandkids Matter and founder of the National Center For Fathering. Dr. Canfield is also an author and researcher.

Research demonstrates that grandchildren thrive when grandparents are proactive in supporting and developing a relationship with their grandchildren, and grandparents thrive when they are actively involved in their grandchildren’s lives. Learn about the importance of attachment and involvement of fathers with grandchildren.

In 1997, after Perestroika and the fall of the Iron Curtain, Dr. Canfield noticed something striking about fathers while lecturing at the Moscow School of Psychology. This understanding now helps in his training of trainers in places like Poland and the Ukraine.

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