Does Every Pastor Need a Coach? with Rich Hooper S3 EP#80

Unconventional Ministry (S1 E81)

Does your church need a coach? Maybe so! As of March 2022, the percentage of pastors who have considered quitting full-time ministry within the past year is 42% (Barna Group).

In this episode, my guest is Rich Hooper, Founder and CEO of Imagine Three-Twenty. He suggests every pastor, church, and believer needs a coach to help them move off of high-center and become effective in accomplishing their God-given purpose which will help invigorate them to return to vitality.

Mr. Hooper explains how pastors and churches can move past apathy and complacency by bringing objectivity to their vision and mission. Imagine Three-Twenty is focused on helping churches become more vital in their communities by addressing unhealthy areas in their organization. They come alongside to help at the executive level to help get the church pointed in the right direction.

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