The Missing Ingredient to Desired Significant Relationships with Derrick Steele S4 EP#104

Unconventional Ministry (S1 E105)

In this episode, hear how to captivate hearts, minds, and imaginations with the "adventure" that life with God is meant to be! A look at a refreshing return to an unapologetically sacred, historical, and Jesus-focused ministry. My guest is Derrick Steele, author, screenwriter, pastor, and founder of The Warriors Path ministry.  

While there are many obstacles and distractions in our modern culture and society, there is importance in creating a convergence between a man's religious thinking and his often disconnected desire to live a meaningful, significant, and heroic (Christian) life.

One of the central themes of The Warriors Path is the deep significance we attach to our relationships and the conviction we hold firmly to: that having “fellowship,” or people to walk with through life’s adventures, is a huge portion of life’s joy – and a sadly missing ingredient in most of our modern western lives.

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