Barriers Women Face When They Embrace Leadership with Carolyn Moore S3 EP#82

Unconventional Ministry (S1 E83)

Women are leading powerful ministry movements around the world. When women lead, what are the barriers they face keeping women from realizing or reaching their calling?

In this episode, my guest Carolyn Moore explains the barriers and how she desires to equip a new generation of women to rise up with tools in hand to welcome and advance God's Kingdom on earth.

Carolyn is pastor of Mosaic Church in Evans, Georgia. She has an MDiv and Doctor of Ministry from Asbury Theological Seminary with a focus on church planting. Carolyn has served as a pastor on staff, focusing on spiritual formation and congregational development. She is the co-host of a podcast and is a published author as well as blogger, writing on topics of holiness, healing, and the supernatural. Visit to learn more.

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