Creative Use of Drive Time - Tim and Brenda Harder S3 EP#60

Unconventional Ministry (S1 E61)

In this episode, you will hear about Tim and Brenda Harder's creative use of their drive time going to and from their church Emmaus Mennonite Church

A tradition of reading in their car that started when their children were young continues today even though they are now empty nesters.

The couple recently read through the book Dare to Believe! by SAT-7 Founder and President Dr. Terence Ascott and share their response to the book. They also have read other books from missionaries to be able to better understand the needs of fellow workers in Christ and how they can be encouraged.    

Women Who Risk by Tom and JoAnn Doyle was another recommended title.

Additionally, they provide some insight into today’s challenges with farming. And lastly, the impact of grandparent’s and parent’s values are discussed.  

How do you creatively use your drive time to church? Let us know in the comments!

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